There's a Pokémon-Catching challenge for him to do too.

He had his Tauros Charge with him, and everythings fine. After the trial, Team Skull came back with their Team Skull Admin: Plumeria, with his "adorable" Pokémon: Golbat. One Hakamo-o is a Totem Pokémon, but with Rockruff. More new faces will help guide Ash’s Alolan adventure, in the form of a group of skilled TrainersKiawe, Lana. The two of them are Jangmo-o, and the others are Hakamo-o. There’s plenty for Ash and Pikachu to explore in this sunny new region, with exciting new Pokmon to discover and interesting people to learn from along the wayincluding the cool Professor Kukui and the fun-loving Samson Oak. The trial is about looking for 4 wild Pokémon in Ten Carat Hill. He then fights Youngster Honus who has Rockruff. Sun and Hau then goes to the Pokemon Center to heal up their Pokémon until Professor Kukui takes Sun on a trial. He uses Water Shuriken multiple times to Yungoos. Sun sent out the final-evolved Pokémon from Kalos: Greninja. After, they met Team Skull getting ready to battle. He's ready to go to Alola with his mom, until Hau came to greet him.

It all started with Sun reading a letter. It's the same thing as the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire demo, but completely different in this demo. It was released worldwide on October 18, 2016, in promotion of its parent game, which was released the following month. In battles, trainers are now seen standing behind their Pokémon, cheering them on and giving visible cues on their reactions to the fight.Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon Special Demo Version (ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン, 特別体験版, Pocket Monsters Sun and Moon Special Demo Version) is a demo edition of Pokémon Sun and Moon. The surrounding environments are breathtaking, with blades of grass floating by the player and a background sun that droops in the sky as the day goes on. Large Pokémon, such as the ridiculously tall tree-like Alolan Exeggutor, also stand several feet taller than the player’s avatar, creating a Pokémon world that seems cinematic and realistic. On top of it all, one of the first Pokémon seen in the game is a Meowth owned by your avatar’s mother, and its small size is apparent when standing next to its gold-adorned head. This new entry, however, takes it even further with realistic height differences between children and adults. Similar to the art style of Pokémon X and Y and Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Sun and Moon feature a more realistic depiction of environments and character sprites. Surprisingly, the mechanics already become different than the norm once the user is able to move about the island of Alola. Beginning like most Pokémon titles, the player takes on either a male or female avatar, which will journey the new world in search of the mysterious creatures.